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International day of women and girls in science, "Le Supreme: the advantages of being XX" is staged at the Sant'Anna School, with Emanuela Grimalda and Marco Martinelli

Le supreme - I vantaggi di essere XX
Date From 11.02.2023 time
End Date To 11.02.2023 time

Piazza Martiri della Libertà, 33 , 56127 Italy

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The entertaining and realistic show tells the vicissitudes that women and girls have had to go through over the years, of how difficult it was to become scientists, lawyers, doctors.

The play is hosted by the Scuola Sant'Anna on the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science and will feature the Triestine actress Emanuela Grimalda. Texts written in collaboration with Marco Martinelli, science communicator and collaborator of the Sant'Anna School.

Admission is free, however is recommended to register at this link.